by Colleen
It is free important for the people to STOP Corredor Bioceánico La Angostura URUGUAY!
This is a post in reference to the decision to build a deep water seaport in Rocha ... Few beaches in the world still offer the beauty and openness of Rocha...
Once again, what will this deep sea port do to this coastline?
It is at the point of land where currents are diverted. Has anybody discussed a shipping disaster to foul the beaches?
WHY is progress always considered to be commercial or avaricious?
Uruguay is a beautiful country. It has the greatest % of organic farms on all the continent.
What will happen to the land, and waters if this "development" is allowed?
What will happen to the Laguna and park/marsh land adjacent to Paloma?
As I said in a previos attempt at some real discussion, any hint of chinese involvment will destroy this area. Ask those in Manta EC.
Who will take responsibility for the extermination of La Plata Dolphin when it is killed in the shipping lanes?